7th Grade Field Trips This Week

The 7th grade science classes will head to the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History this week.  Students will take the metro and must remember to bring their Kids Ride Free Card on the day of their team's trip. 

  • Monday, March 27 - Cusco

  • Tuesday, March 28 - Babylon

  • Thursday, March 30 - Accra

  • Friday, March 31 - Carthage

Day of Trip Reminders

  • Arrive to school by 8:25 am.

  • Bring a notebook or folder to write on in order to complete the assignment while at the museum.

  • Pack a disposable sack lunch (if not fasting).

  • Wear comfortable shoes.

  • Leave cell phone in locked locker at school.


8th Grade Spirit Week


Imagination Stage @ Deal on Tuesday