6th Grade Geography Field Trip

During the month of November and December, sixth grade geography classes will study the history of the world’s three major monotheist religions as part of “Unit 3: The Middle East & N. Africa.” Each team will take a field trip to three local places of worship in order to learn more about the history, beliefs, & architecture/symbols of each religion:

  • American Fazl Mosque (2141 Leroy Place, NW)

  • Adas Israel Congregation (2850 Quebec St., NW)

  • National United Methodist Church (3401 Nebraska Ave., NW)

Field Trip Dates

The trip will take place during periods 4 through 7 after students eat lunch during 3rd period in the cafeteria. Students will return to Deal for a regular dismissal at 3:15pm.

  • Team Pago Pago—Monday, December 12

  • Team Oaxaca—Tuesday, December 13

  • Team Positano—Wednesday, December 14

  • Team Havana—Thursday, December 15

  • Team Istanbul—Friday, December 16

Dress Expectations

On the day of the trip, students are asked to wear long sleeves & long pants. Appropriate dress is a sign of cultural respect and not a form of religious expression.

Please complete and return the permission sent home via Geography class, as well as $10 cash or check made out to “Alice Deal Middle School” to cover the cost of bus transportation. If you are able to sponsor another student, please consider sending $20.  As always, do not hesitate to contact your child’s geography teacher if you have any questions.

  • Mr. Martini (Team Pago Pago)

  • Ms. Wesselhoft (Team Havana)

  • Ms. Offley (Team Istanbul)

  • Mr. Siddiqui (Team Postiano)

  • Ms. Trenkle (Team Oaxaca)


Family and Student Reminders


Model UN