Congratulations MUN
Congratulations to the 16 Model UN Deal participants in their first conference of the year: the Holton Arms Model UN (HAMUN) Conference held on Saturday, October 19 at Holton-Arms. Delegates participated in committees about: keeping journalists safe in areas of conflict, the use of AI in the military, how satellites will be used in space, promoting and providing a safe space for athletes at the 2024 Paris Olympics, piracy in vulnerable maritime regions, promotion of maternal healthcare, and addressing indigenous people's rights regarding natural resource extraction and exploitation in the Amazon Rainforest.
Deal delegates were: Elina Hart, MJ Webb, Stella Johnson, Alex Elton-Melzi, Jacob Sloane, Eddie Williams, Liam Stockton, Jacob Rich, Flora Emmet Stewart, Liam Sheives, Evan Tonolli, Noah Sacks, Phillip Kleine, Wesley Majestic, Evelyn O’Flaherty-Horr and Felix Diaz.
A special congratulations to delegates who earned awards: Best Delegate: Alex Elton-Melzi and Liam Stockton; Honorable Delegate: Elina Hart and Evelyn O’Flaherty-Horr, Verbal Commendation: Evan Tonolli.
See you for our weekly meeting on Wednesday, 10/23. We have a guest speaker! If you wish to receive the MUN newsletter, please complete the form found at: