Spring 2022 State Assessments Dry Run | ANet Testing

Students will take their Term 3 English and Math ANet Assessments on April 5 (ELA) and 6 (Math). ANet assessments provide our teachers will timely, actionable, and student-specific data. Students will be taking the assessments in PARCC-like testing groups in preparation for Spring, 2022 State Assessments. We will run a modified schedule with testing occurring from 9:00 - 10:55 am. Students will learn more about the structure and purpose of the testing groups during 1st period on Monday. You can support your student by ensuring they eat a healthy breakfast, having them arrive to school on-time, and encouraging them to demonstrate their best work. Please remind your student that cell phones and e-watches need to be turned off and put in their locker as they are not permitted during testing.


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