Jackson Reed PTSO Seeking New Parent Representatives

Attention parents of rising 9th graders. The Parent Teacher Student Organization (PTSO) is now seeking nominations for the SY22-23 Board. The PTSO supports our school community through fundraising and grant programs that enhance our students high school experience. Positions are open at all levels and interests. Board positions can be found here. Self-nominations are accepted, and all nominations must be received at WilsonHighSchoolPTSO@gmail.com by April 20. Please include your name, e-mail, telephone number, and a brief paragraph on why you like to serve on the Board. Feel free to include the grade of your child(ren) and relevant experience. Elections will be held during the PTSO General Meeting at 6pm on May 10. Questions? Questions sent to WilsonHighSchoolPTSO@gmail.com will receive a prompt response.


GCDC Spring Conference


Spring Break COVID-19 Testing