March IB Learner Profile Student of the Month

March’s IB Learner Profile trait is Risk-takers. Risk-Takers approach uncertainty with forethought and determination. Students work independently and cooperatively to explore new ideas and innovative strategies. Students are resourceful and resilient in the face of challenges and change. This month we celebrate our students for growing through risk-taking!

6th Grade

  • Porto Alegre: Yisehak Wondwosen and Dalia Bolanos

  • Brisbane: (coming soon!)

  • Douala: Kadari Naji-Allah and Melanie Perez Sandoval

  • Lima: (coming soon!)

  • Mumbai: Belle Cleveland and Daniel Schulze

7th Grade

  • Meroe: (coming soon!)

  • Constantinople: Leo Stitziel and Klementyna McGuire

  • Jericho: Luther Kiyvyra and Chloe Watson

  • Chan Chan: Henry Andre and Chloe Nelms

  • Coba: Masha Pavlova and Zayn Mufti

8th Grade

  • Best: Fernanda Diaz and Micah Bracey

  • Wagga: (coming soon!)

  • Luxor: Kai Dixon and Jorn White

  • Calgary: Kingston Fuller and Kate Decker

  • Quito: (coming soon!)


ADMS Community Project Fair: March 26


The Deal Shakespeare Mash-Up!