January IB Learner Profile Student of the Month

January’s IB Learner Profile trait is Reflective. Students who are reflective consider the world and their own ideas and experiences. They work to understand their strength and weaknesses in order to support their learning and personal development. Deal celebrates the following students for embodying the trait of knowledgeable this month!

6th Grade

  • Porto Alegre:  Katherine Mew & Claude-Eric Nicolas Jr.

  • Brisbane: Anes Urritikoetxea Rodriguez and Micah Pizer

  • Douala: Chiara Cerletti Giraudy and Nate Bigge

  • Lima: (coming soon!)

  • Mumbai:  Grace Phelan and Jett Thurman

7th Grade

  • Meroe: Zora White and Marquis MeBane

  • Constantinople: Alexa Lucas and Yannik Ioffe

  • Jericho: Zoe Stafford and Daniel Anker-Scherer

  • Chan Chan: Jonah Bramble and Marleigh McKay

  • Coba: Alayah August and Marco Ferrigno

8th Grade

  • Best: Andreas Jackson and Sofia Culbertson

  • Wagga: (coming soon!)

  • Luxor: Jamie Belete and Anisah Walker

  • Calgary: Marta Eriksson and Alexander (Sasha) Kubal

  • Quito: Miles Narva and Frances Widmer


Bravo Zulu Chess Academy Saturdays @ Deal is back


Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day