Hunger and Food Insecurities (Team Quito)

Project Leaders: Neena Krutak, Tra Nguyen, Eva Okoobo

Hi! We are Tra, Neena and Eva and we are 8th graders from team Quito. We are doing a food drive for people who experience food insecurities and low income families. The 2 programs we are donating to are Jubilee Jumpstart & Capital Area Food Bank. Jubilee Jumpstart is an organization that helps kids who don't have much to afford food by donating food to families homes. The Capital Area Food Bank provides equitable access to food and opportunity to people struggling with hunger. These two programs have been helping people for many years. We wanted to support them mainly because of covid, donations have been lowered and people have been increasingly been affected by that. We hope that you can help us donate to this food drive. Down here is a list of things we need. Thank you for your consideration and generosity.

Most needed items: Plant proteins (beans, nuts etc..), grains (rice, pasta noodles, tortillas etc..), canned fish/chicken, peanut butter/jelly, pantry stables (oil, tea, etc..), canned fruit, non-salt spice, canned veggies, whole grain cereal.


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